
  • Automatic CVR Updates : Seamlessly pull customer details using valid CVR number or company name.
  • Bulk update : Update records for multiple companies easily.
  • Data from trusted sources : Verify CVR numbers and fetch data directly from authorised public sources.
  • Customise Data Mapping : Integrate and sync company information from various countries into your CRM with our flexible field mappings.
  • Real-time Verification : Instantly check the validity of CVR numbers in real-time.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy : Reduce errors and ensure the highest level of data accuracy for your records.



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20 kr.


Pay-as-you-use @ 0.25 kr. / sync

Update company and financial data with one click

Search companies based on name and CVR number

Latest and accurate data from virk.dk

Bulk data update

Customise mapping


The Danish CVR Lookup Integration by Cloudify is an application designed to streamline data entry for companies into your HubSpot CRM. By using data from authorized government CVR portals, it keeps your CRM up-to-date with accurate company information as well as financial data.

You can add company and financial data by opening a Company in your HubSpot CRM and clicking on the "Search Company" option in the Danish CVR Lookup card. Enter a Danish company name or a valid CVR number to find the company, then click 'Add' to insert the data into your CRM.

Yes, you have two options: let e-conomic auto-generate the customer number or take the customer number from a field in HubSpot.

The replay feature allows you to replay the sync process directly from within HubSpot after you've corrected any error that caused the initial sync to fail.

To perform a bulk update, go to Settings > Integrations > Connected Apps, then click on 'Bulk Update'. A window will appear where you can select the companies you want to update, then click 'Update'.

The Danish CVR Lookup Integration allows you to map both basic company data and financial data fields from the CVR to your HubSpot CRM fields. However, the Name and CVR number fields are required and cannot be deleted.

Ready to revolutionise your workflow with the Danish CVR Lookup Integration? 

Ready to revolutionise your CRM and target prospects with pinpoint accuracy? Try Cloudify's Danish CVR Lookup Integration for free today and experience the next level in lead management.

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